Source code for astropy_healpix.high_level

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
import os
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from astropy.coordinates.representation import UnitSphericalRepresentation

from .core import (nside_to_pixel_area, nside_to_pixel_resolution,
                   nside_to_npix, npix_to_nside, healpix_to_lonlat,
                   lonlat_to_healpix, bilinear_interpolation_weights,
                   interpolate_bilinear_lonlat, ring_to_nested, nested_to_ring,
                   healpix_cone_search, boundaries_lonlat, neighbours)
from .utils import parse_input_healpix_data

__all__ = ['HEALPix']

No frame was specified when initializing HEALPix, so SkyCoord objects cannot be
returned. Either specify a frame when initializing HEALPix or use the {0}
""".replace(os.linesep, ' ').strip()

class NoFrameError(Exception):
    def __init__(self, alternative_method):

[docs]class HEALPix: """ A HEALPix pixellization. Parameters ---------- nside : int Number of pixels along the side of each of the 12 top-level HEALPix tiles order : { 'nested' | 'ring' } Order of HEALPix pixels frame : :class:`~astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame`, optional The celestial coordinate frame of the pixellization. This can be ommitted, in which case the pixellization will not be attached to any particular celestial frame, and the methods ending in _skycoord will not work (but the _lonlat methods will still work and continue to return generic longitudes/latitudes). """ def __init__(self, nside=None, order='ring', frame=None): if nside is None: raise ValueError('nside has not been set') self.nside = nside self.order = order self.frame = frame
[docs] @classmethod def from_header(cls, input_data, field=0, hdu_in=None, nested=None): """ Parameters ---------- input_data : str or `` or `` or tuple The input data to reproject. This can be: * The name of a HEALPIX FITS file * A `` or `` instance * A tuple where the first element is a `~numpy.ndarray` and the second element is a `~astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame` instance or a string alias for a coordinate frame. hdu_in : int or str, optional If ``input_data`` is a FITS file, specifies the HDU to use. (the default HDU for HEALPIX data is 1, unlike with image files where it is generally 0) nested : bool, optional The order of the healpix_data, either nested (True) or ring (False). If a FITS file is passed in, this is determined from the header. Returns ------- healpix : `~astropy_healpix.HEALPix` A HEALPix pixellization corresponding to the input data. """ array_in, frame, nested = parse_input_healpix_data( input_data, field=field, hdu_in=hdu_in, nested=nested) nside = npix_to_nside(len(array_in)) order = 'nested' if nested else 'ring' return cls(nside=nside, order=order, frame=frame)
@property def pixel_area(self): """ The area of a single HEALPix pixel. """ return nside_to_pixel_area(self.nside) @property def pixel_resolution(self): """ The resolution of a single HEALPix pixel. """ return nside_to_pixel_resolution(self.nside) @property def npix(self): """ The number of pixels in the pixellization of the sphere. """ return nside_to_npix(self.nside)
[docs] def healpix_to_lonlat(self, healpix_index, dx=None, dy=None): """ Convert HEALPix indices (optionally with offsets) to longitudes/latitudes Parameters ---------- healpix_index : `~numpy.ndarray` 1-D array of HEALPix indices dx, dy : `~numpy.ndarray`, optional 1-D arrays of offsets inside the HEALPix pixel, which must be in the range [0:1] (0.5 is the center of the HEALPix pixels). If not specified, the position at the center of the pixel is used. Returns ------- lon : :class:`~astropy.coordinates.Longitude` The longitude values lat : :class:`~astropy.coordinates.Latitude` The latitude values """ return healpix_to_lonlat(healpix_index, self.nside, dx=dx, dy=dy, order=self.order)
[docs] def lonlat_to_healpix(self, lon, lat, return_offsets=False): """ Convert longitudes/latitudes to HEALPix indices (optionally with offsets) Parameters ---------- lon, lat : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` The longitude and latitude values as :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` instances with angle units. return_offsets : bool If `True`, the returned values are the HEALPix pixel as well as ``dx`` and ``dy``, the fractional positions inside the pixel. If `False` (the default), only the HEALPix pixel is returned. Returns ------- healpix_index : `~numpy.ndarray` 1-D array of HEALPix indices dx, dy : `~numpy.ndarray` 1-D arrays of offsets inside the HEALPix pixel in the range [0:1] (0.5 is the center of the HEALPix pixels). This is returned if ``return_offsets`` is `True`. """ return lonlat_to_healpix(lon, lat, self.nside, return_offsets=return_offsets, order=self.order)
[docs] def nested_to_ring(self, nested_index): """ Convert a healpix 'nested' index to a healpix 'ring' index Parameters ---------- nested_index : `~numpy.ndarray` Healpix index using the 'nested' ordering Returns ------- ring_index : `~numpy.ndarray` Healpix index using the 'ring' ordering """ return nested_to_ring(nested_index, self.nside)
[docs] def ring_to_nested(self, ring_index): """ Convert a healpix 'ring' index to a healpix 'nested' index Parameters ---------- ring_index : `~numpy.ndarray` Healpix index using the 'ring' ordering Returns ------- nested_index : `~numpy.ndarray` Healpix index using the 'nested' ordering """ return ring_to_nested(ring_index, self.nside)
[docs] def bilinear_interpolation_weights(self, lon, lat): """ Get the four neighbours for each (lon, lat) position and the weight associated with each one for bilinear interpolation. Parameters ---------- lon, lat : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` The longitude and latitude values as :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` instances with angle units. Returns ------- indices : `~numpy.ndarray` 2-D array with shape (4, N) giving the four indices to use for the interpolation weights : `~numpy.ndarray` 2-D array with shape (4, N) giving the four weights to use for the interpolation """ return bilinear_interpolation_weights(lon, lat, self.nside, order=self.order)
[docs] def interpolate_bilinear_lonlat(self, lon, lat, values): """ Interpolate values at specific longitudes/latitudes using bilinear interpolation If a position does not have four neighbours, this currently returns NaN. Parameters ---------- lon, lat : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` The longitude and latitude values as :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` instances with angle units. values : `~numpy.ndarray` 1-D array with the values in each HEALPix pixel. This must have a length of the form 12 * nside ** 2 (and nside is determined automatically from this). Returns ------- result : `~numpy.ndarray` 1-D array of interpolated values """ if len(values) != self.npix: raise ValueError('values must be an array of length {} (got {})'.format(self.npix, len(values))) return interpolate_bilinear_lonlat(lon, lat, values, order=self.order)
[docs] def cone_search_lonlat(self, lon, lat, radius): """ Find all the HEALPix pixels within a given radius of a longitude/latitude. Note that this returns all pixels that overlap, including partially, with the search cone. This function can only be used for a single lon/lat pair at a time, since different calls to the function may result in a different number of matches. Parameters ---------- lon, lat : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` The longitude and latitude to search around radius : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` The search radius Returns ------- healpix_index : `~numpy.ndarray` 1-D array with all the matching HEALPix pixel indices. """ if not lon.isscalar or not lat.isscalar or not radius.isscalar: raise ValueError('The longitude, latitude and radius must be ' 'scalar Quantity objects') return healpix_cone_search(lon, lat, radius, self.nside, order=self.order)
[docs] def boundaries_lonlat(self, healpix_index, step): """ Return the longitude and latitude of the edges of HEALPix pixels This returns the longitude and latitude of points along the edge of each HEALPIX pixel. The number of points returned for each pixel is ``4 * step``, so setting ``step`` to 1 returns just the corners. Parameters ---------- healpix_index : `~numpy.ndarray` 1-D array of HEALPix pixels step : int The number of steps to take along each edge. Returns ------- lon, lat : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` The longitude and latitude, as 2-D arrays where the first dimension is the same as the ``healpix_index`` input, and the second dimension has size ``4 * step``. """ return boundaries_lonlat(healpix_index, step, self.nside, order=self.order)
[docs] def neighbours(self, healpix_index): """ Find all the HEALPix pixels that are the neighbours of a HEALPix pixel Parameters ---------- healpix_index : `~numpy.ndarray` Array of HEALPix pixels Returns ------- neigh : `~numpy.ndarray` Array giving the neighbours starting SW and rotating clockwise. This has one extra dimension compared to ``healpix_index`` - the first dimension - which is set to 8. For example if healpix_index has shape (2, 3), ``neigh`` has shape (8, 2, 3). """ return neighbours(healpix_index, self.nside, order=self.order)
[docs] def healpix_to_skycoord(self, healpix_index, dx=None, dy=None): """ Convert HEALPix indices (optionally with offsets) to celestial coordinates. Note that this method requires that a celestial frame was specified when initializing HEALPix. If you don't know or need the celestial frame, you can instead use :meth:`~astropy_healpix.HEALPix.healpix_to_lonlat`. Parameters ---------- healpix_index : `~numpy.ndarray` 1-D array of HEALPix indices dx, dy : `~numpy.ndarray`, optional 1-D arrays of offsets inside the HEALPix pixel, which must be in the range [0:1] (0.5 is the center of the HEALPix pixels). If not specified, the position at the center of the pixel is used. Returns ------- coord : :class:`~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` The resulting celestial coordinates """ if self.frame is None: raise NoFrameError("healpix_to_skycoord") lon, lat = self.healpix_to_lonlat(healpix_index, dx=dx, dy=dy) representation = UnitSphericalRepresentation(lon, lat, copy=False) return SkyCoord(self.frame.realize_frame(representation))
[docs] def skycoord_to_healpix(self, skycoord, return_offsets=False): """ Convert celestial coordinates to HEALPix indices (optionally with offsets). Note that this method requires that a celestial frame was specified when initializing HEALPix. If you don't know or need the celestial frame, you can instead use :meth:`~astropy_healpix.HEALPix.lonlat_to_healpix`. Parameters ---------- skycoord : :class:`~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` The celestial coordinates to convert return_offsets : bool If `True`, the returned values are the HEALPix pixel as well as ``dx`` and ``dy``, the fractional positions inside the pixel. If `False` (the default), only the HEALPix pixel is returned. Returns ------- healpix_index : `~numpy.ndarray` 1-D array of HEALPix indices dx, dy : `~numpy.ndarray` 1-D arrays of offsets inside the HEALPix pixel in the range [0:1] (0.5 is the center of the HEALPix pixels). This is returned if ``return_offsets`` is `True`. """ if self.frame is None: raise NoFrameError("skycoord_to_healpix") skycoord = skycoord.transform_to(self.frame) representation = skycoord.represent_as(UnitSphericalRepresentation) lon, lat = representation.lon, return self.lonlat_to_healpix(lon, lat, return_offsets=return_offsets)
[docs] def interpolate_bilinear_skycoord(self, skycoord, values): """ Interpolate values at specific celestial coordinates using bilinear interpolation. If a position does not have four neighbours, this currently returns NaN. Note that this method requires that a celestial frame was specified when initializing HEALPix. If you don't know or need the celestial frame, you can instead use :meth:`~astropy_healpix.HEALPix.interpolate_bilinear_lonlat`. Parameters ---------- skycoord : :class:`~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` The celestial coordinates at which to interpolate values : `~numpy.ndarray` 1-D array with the values in each HEALPix pixel. This must have a length of the form 12 * nside ** 2 (and nside is determined automatically from this). Returns ------- result : `~numpy.ndarray` 1-D array of interpolated values """ if self.frame is None: raise NoFrameError("interpolate_bilinear_skycoord") skycoord = skycoord.transform_to(self.frame) representation = skycoord.represent_as(UnitSphericalRepresentation) lon, lat = representation.lon, return self.interpolate_bilinear_lonlat(lon, lat, values)
[docs] def cone_search_skycoord(self, skycoord, radius): """ Find all the HEALPix pixels within a given radius of a celestial position. Note that this returns all pixels that overlap, including partially, with the search cone. This function can only be used for a single celestial position at a time, since different calls to the function may result in a different number of matches. This method requires that a celestial frame was specified when initializing HEALPix. If you don't know or need the celestial frame, you can instead use :meth:`~astropy_healpix.HEALPix.cone_search_lonlat`. Parameters ---------- skycoord : :class:`~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` The celestial coordinates to use for the cone search radius : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` The search radius Returns ------- healpix_index : `~numpy.ndarray` 1-D array with all the matching HEALPix pixel indices. """ if self.frame is None: raise NoFrameError("cone_search_skycoord") skycoord = skycoord.transform_to(self.frame) representation = skycoord.represent_as(UnitSphericalRepresentation) lon, lat = representation.lon, return self.cone_search_lonlat(lon, lat, radius)
[docs] def boundaries_skycoord(self, healpix_index, step): """ Return the celestial coordinates of the edges of HEALPix pixels This returns the celestial coordinates of points along the edge of each HEALPIX pixel. The number of points returned for each pixel is ``4 * step``, so setting ``step`` to 1 returns just the corners. This method requires that a celestial frame was specified when initializing HEALPix. If you don't know or need the celestial frame, you can instead use :meth:`~astropy_healpix.HEALPix.boundaries_lonlat`. Parameters ---------- healpix_index : `~numpy.ndarray` 1-D array of HEALPix pixels step : int The number of steps to take along each edge. Returns ------- skycoord : :class:`~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` The celestial coordinates of the HEALPix pixel boundaries """ if self.frame is None: raise NoFrameError("boundaries_skycoord") lon, lat = self.boundaries_lonlat(healpix_index, step) representation = UnitSphericalRepresentation(lon, lat, copy=False) return SkyCoord(self.frame.realize_frame(representation))