- astropy_healpix.boundaries_lonlat(healpix_index, step, nside, order='ring')[source]¶
Return the longitude and latitude of the edges of HEALPix pixels
This returns the longitude and latitude of points along the edge of each HEALPIX pixel. The number of points returned for each pixel is
4 * step
, so settingstep
to 1 returns just the corners.- Parameters:
- healpix_index
1-D array of HEALPix pixels
- stepint
The number of steps to take along each edge.
- nsideint
Number of pixels along the side of each of the 12 top-level HEALPix tiles
- order{ ‘nested’ | ‘ring’ }
Order of HEALPix pixels
- healpix_index
- Returns:
- lon, lat
The longitude and latitude, as 2-D arrays where the first dimension is the same as the
input, and the second dimension has size4 * step
- lon, lat